
Data description

From a project last semester, this project provided the context for 10,000 kg of 1,3-Butadiene leaking on the Willamette River on October 15, 2019, at 11:00 am, over the Portland and Western Railroad Bridge in Junction City on River Mile 162.7. 1,3-Butadiene is a chemical organic compound that is commonly used in the production of polymers, rubber and plastics. Exposure of humans or animals to butadiene causes cardiovascular disease, leukemia, reproductive disorders, and increases the risk of cancer. The spill site is located about 30 miles upriver from the Corvallis Drinking Water Plant Intake. The project asks us to quantify the transport and fate and determine the concentration changes of the parent compound and important products along the river. The whole analysis processes should include longitudinal dispersion, biodegradation, hydrolysis, photolysis and volatilization that may act to attenuate the concentrations of 1,3-butadiene. The results of the entire analysis should include what is the maximum concentration of the pollutant plume as it passes through Corvallis? What impact might it have on aquatic life in the river? In this project, we need to find out the temperature, flow velocity, streamflow and depth of Willamette River on October 15, 2019, at 11:00 am. In the meantime, we also need to find out some properties of 1,3-Butadiene, such as molecular weight, boiling point, solubility, density, vapor pressure and Henry’s Law constant at 25 degrees Celsius. We also need to do more article reviews to find out the half life of 1,3-Butadiene in hydrolysis, photolysis and biological degradation. The type of data will be captured including text, spreadsheets, images and final numerical results from experimental or theoretical calculations. We will create text, spreadsheets, plots, numerical models, theoretical calculation results.
The type of data will be captured including text, spreadsheets, images and final numerical results from experimental or theoretical calculations. We will create text, spreadsheets, plots, numerical models, theoretical calculation results. 、 Most 1,3 butadiene properties data will be collected from specific websites, and all properties data of Willamette River can be collected from USGS website. for other data, such as half life of 1,3 butadiene, need to collect from article reviews, specifical articles including relate information that we were looking for, and if there is a lot of reasonable and usable data, we will integrate it by taking the average. Once we got half-life, we can calculate relate reaction rates. Using advection-dispersion equation to determine what type of river flow we will analyze, also calculate dispersion coefficient and Peclet number. All data that created by us is numerical results. Then, we use Jupyter to create our model, to plot our results.

Roles and responsibility

During normal research projects, the Data Manager will be responsible for the implementation of the DMP and they will work closely with the Principal Investigator (PI) and the research team to develop, implement, and oversee the DMP. they will also be responsible for ensuring that data is stored securely, backed up regularly, and that appropriate access controls are in place. Other data management responsibilities include data collection/data generation, data organization, data analysis, etc. However, in my semester project, we did not have any formal division of roles and responsibilities; the entire project was done through communication among all team members, each completing their appropriate part and all asking each other for input and suggestions, so the entire team was responsible for all parts in the project. Regarding contingency planning, if the person with data management responsibilities leaves the project, their responsibilities will need to be reassigned to another member of the team. The Principal Investigator will need to find someone else on the team with the appropriate skills and expertise to take on these responsibilities. The new team member will need to understand the existing data management methods and procedures and will need to make the necessary adjustments to the DMP.

data standards and metadata

according to OSU’s definition of sensitive and confidential data, the data we used in my term project should be sensitive data, because we used google drive to share our data. Because our data is sensitive, I think we need to develop a plan to protect our data, a plan that includes measures such as limiting access to the data, encrypting the data, or anonymizing the data. Also, we need to obtain informed consent from study participants or stakeholders about the use and protection of their data, which may involve obtaining signed consent forms or providing participants with clear information about how their data will be used, stored, and protected.

Storage and security

We use Google Drive to collect and share data that, as far as I know, will be stored in Google’s cloud servers. Google Drive provides a centralized location for documents, spreadsheets, presentations, images, and other types of files to be stored. Its data is stored in a distributed manner on multiple servers in different locations, which ensures data security and high availability. And Google uses advanced encryption and security measures to protect data from unauthorized access, theft or loss. Also, Google Drive offers collaboration features that allow multiple users to work on the same file at the same time, and users can access their data from anywhere they have an Internet connection.

Archiving and preservation

I may have three copies of my data, one for the original data and two for the backup data. The original data I will store locally and the other two will be stored in the cloud, and since we use google drive to save the data, this solves the problem of automatic backup at the same time. But again, I need to regularly download data backups to my local computer or external hard drive to ensure that my data is not lost after I graduate.